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Four Holiday Events to Visit in Ventura

Posted by Daniel Kann | Nov 25, 2014 | 0 Comments

November 20, 2013

Soon, families in Ventura and all across the country will be indulging in many hearty Thanksgiving staples like mashed potatoes, turkey, ham, mac and cheese, and other calorie-filled goodness. Many, including yourself, will probably be left with bloated bellies, food comas, and guilt, but you can burn away the excess calories by going shopping, or even better, attending these wonderful, family-friendly events that will take place throughout the holiday season in Ventura.

Holiday Street Fair – Downtown Ventura

On December 1, starting at 11 in the morning, downtown Ventura will be taken over by the Holiday Street Fair. There will be live jazz and blues performances, food, and all sorts of fun for everyone who comes. Did I mention snow? Yes, snow will fall on the fairgrounds from 6:45-8:00 p.m. Best of all, the fair will be free and open to all.

Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony – Downtown Ventura

The lighting of a fresh-cut 20-foot-tall tree will cap off the fair at 6:00 p.m. on the main stage. Local church groups will sing carols as attendants gather around. Santa Claus may even make an appearance riding not a sleigh pulled by reindeer, but a fire engine. The tree lighting event in downtown Ventura will also be free and open to all. For information on this event and the accompanying fair, visitwww.ventura-usa.com/events.

Holiday Parade of Lights & Fireworks – Ventura Harbor

On December 14 and 15, Ventura Harbor will host a lighted boat parade, fireworks display, and a carnival. Attendants will also have many shopping and dining options throughout the picturesque harbor. Parking and admission will be free. Go to www.venturaharborvillage.com for more info.

Olivas Adobe Candlelight Tours – Olivas Adobe

On December 16, you and your family can see how old rancho families would celebrate the holiday season by taking this free candlelight tour of the Olivas Adobe, a historic 1847 rancho. In addition to a tour, there will be live entertainment, plays, food, and beverages. Admission will be free, but reservations are advised. Visit www.cityofventura.net/olivasevents for more info.

The attorneys at The Law Offices of Daniel E. Kann wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.

About the Author

Daniel Kann

Daniel E. Kann has devoted his entire legal career exclusively to defending individuals facing criminal prosecution in Southern California. Dan fights criminal cases throughout Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Kern, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.


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