Counting down to the New Year is always exciting—the fact that this year it's a new decade, makes it even more exciting. While celebrating can be fun, it is important to make sure that you still follow the law to help you and others stay safe and avoid any legal consequences.
Here are a few reminders for the New Year holiday:
- Don't Drink and Drive—holiday celebrations, especially ringing in the New Year, often involved alcohol. If you do drink, make sure you don't drive while under the influence. A DUI charge can result in serious legal consequences including jail time and fees, and can have negative consequences to your personal life as well. Instead of driving after drinking, plan ahead to have a designated driver, use a ride share app, or stay the night.
- Don't Drive High—If your New Year celebrations include recreational marijuana, make sure you do not drive while high. Just like alcohol, driving while under the influence of marijuana can result in a DUI. If you are charged with a DUI for driving under the influence of marijuana, you will want to contact an experienced DUI defense attorney as there are several defenses for marijuana DUI.
- Be Smart—Getting caught up in New Year celebrations can lead to making poor choices. Don't confuse having fun with doing anything illegal. Setting off illegal fireworks, discharging guns, or vandalizing property all have legal consequences that can include jail time and fines, so be smart on New Year's Eve!
We hope you have a fun and safe New Year's Eve as you ring in the new year and the new decade! If you or a loved one find yourselves facing criminal charges, reach out to the experienced Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys at Kann California Defense Group. You certainly don't want to start the new year with a criminal conviction, so call us today at 888-744-7730 for a free case consultation so you can get the representation you deserve.
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