As a plaintiff in a personal injury case, the first thing that you need to do is to put a monetary value on your claim. You should keep in mind that this value should not be too unrealistic and exorbitant.
The amount you seek to recover really depends on the specific circumstances of your case and the damages you suffered. The definitive evidence available against the defendant should also be taken into account.
Expenses to Include While Calculating Your Personal Injury Claim
Identifying the expenses that you may have suffered during the recovery from your injury caused due to the liability of the defendant is important to determine the amount you may seek to claim. These are some of the expenses involved in your recovery that you need to include:
· Medical Expenses
You should include the medical treatment bills of the injuries that you may have suffered. The medical records and bills from your hospital usually serve as evidence in court in order to establish a link between the injuries and the incident that caused them.
· Lost Wages
Injuries can often impact your work life as you may not be able to work as efficiently, or may not even be able to go to work at all. This causes you to lose earnings that you would not have missed out on if you were not injured. Correlating with this, you can claim compensation for your wages and other work-related benefits.
· Property Damage
Other than the injuries you may have suffered because of the defendant, any damage caused to your property can also be included in your compensation claim. This is especially applicable in incidents such as car crashes.
· Mental Trauma
It's very common for people who may have sustained grievous injuries, to go through severe mental trauma. They may require some kind of psychological therapy, which can be very expensive. This can also be included in the compensation claim.
Meticulous documentation of all the expenditures required for your recovery is very important. This will make it easier to accurately determine the amount to be claimed.
Factors that Affect Compensation in a Person Injury Settlement
Some of the important factors that may affect your personal injury settlement demand include:
§ The gravity of your injuries
§ Impact of the injuries on your daily life
§ The long-term impact of the injuries
§ Actions of the defendant
§ Legal guidelines
§ The jury and the trial
§ Negotiations for a settlement
While each case is unique in its own way, engaging a competent California personal injury attorney can help you arrive at a more accurate figure you can seek as compensation, making the process easier. Most attorneys offer a free initial consultation and a confidential case review, helping you access legal guidance without any financial risk.
Contact California Personal Injury Attorneys for Case Settlements
The dynamic yet compassionate attorneys at the Kann California Law Group can take the guesswork out of calculating the true value of your personal injury compensation. Our accomplished and experienced lawyers are here to help you recover the full and fair compensation you deserve. Call today at (866) 304-5091 or contact us online for a free and confidential consultation with a member of our team who can help you evaluate your case and guide you to maximize your personal injury compensation claim.
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