A Southern California man is facing charges of arson for six different fires started in Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia. “Five of the fires took place on Jan. 13, along the Foothill Boulevard corridor between Sierra Madre Villa Avenue in Pasadena and the Los Angeles County Arboretum in Arcadia. Another took place Dec. 9 in Monrovia,” the Pasadena Star-News reported.
An investigation led to a suspect description and a flyer whent out to local law enforcement. It was police in San Marino that recognized the suspect from the flier and later arrested him.
With much of the state impacted by drought, California's dry landscape is particularly prone to fires. Fires this past year have been especially destructive across the state causing tremendous loss of property and even taking lives. For this reason, arson is a very serious offense. Under California law, a person can be charged with arson when “he or she willfully and maliciously sets fire to or burns…any structure, forest land, or property.” Depending on how serious the fire, arson can be charged as a felony, especially if someone gets hurt. A felony arson charge can mean prison time and/or fines.
Because the crime of arson is so serious, it is important to get in touch with an experienced California criminal defense attorney if you are facing this charge. An attorney will be able to examine the facts of your case and determine if there are any possible defenses. The charge of arson requires the prosecution to prove that the person started the fire “willfully and maliciously”—this means they have to prove it was started on purpose with the intent to injure or harm someone else or their property. A skilled criminal defense attorney can help defend against a charge of arson.
If you or someone you care about has been accused of arson, please contact the experienced attorneys at Kann California Defense Group immediately. We provide defense for arson cases in Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Kern, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Arson is a serious offense and a case worth fighting. We can evaluate your case and discuss the various ways in which we can help you fight your case. We are here to help you—Call us today for a free consultation!
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